
Published translations

1.  Lido Valdré, Η γλώσσα της οδύνης (original title: Medicina muta). Editions Travlos. Athens 1996. ISBN: 9789607122612

2. Chiara Zocchi, Όλγα (original title: Olga). Editions Perugia. Athens 1998. ISBN 960-7180-36-4

3. Philippe Delerm, Έργα και ημέρες του αξιότιμου κυρίου Σ. (original title: Il avait plu tout le dimanche). Editions Patakis. Athens 2000. ISBN13 9789603788300

4. Philippe Delerm, Η πρώτη γουλιά της μπίρας κι άλλες μικρές απολαύσεις (original title: La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules). Editions Patakis. Athens 2000. ISBN13 9789603788263

5. Lesley Abdela, Manuale per Formatori. Capacità Communicative per le Donne in Politica (original title: Manual, Communication Skills for Women in Politics). Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI). Athens 2005

6. Translation into Italian: Research project titled “Assessment of growth initiatives supporting women in their participation in the growth of Italy”, Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI). Athens 2007

7. Nikos Kasseris, RODI. Kasseris Publications. 2005. ISBN 978-960-87007-9-5 (execution of translation into Italian on behalf of Polyglot, Eleni Spyropoulou)

Published papers

1. «Το προφίλ του διερμηνέα δικαστηρίων στον κόσμο: εθνικοί σύλλογοι και διεθνείς ενώσεις». 12 May 2008. Corfu

2. Petrocheilou, Maria/Simonetto, Francesca (2012). The effect of directionality on the Interpreting Process: Omissions and Loss of Information. Dictio Eπιστημονική επετηρίδα 2009-2011, pages 363-396, Corfu

3. Maria Petrocheilou, «Αποδόμηση μύθων για τη διερμηνεία συνεδρίων». Round table of the Hellenic Association of Conference Interpreters titled «Conference interpreting: a performing art». Sunday 15 May 2016, 11-13 hrs. 13th International Book Fair of Thessaloniki, conference centre Νικόλαος Γερμανός (Kiosk 8)

4. Maria Petrocheilou, “Πώς θα αλλάξουμε την αγορά μας; Πελάτες, τιμές κι επαγγελματική συνείδηση“. 1st Conference of Translation and Interpreting Professionals. Section “How will we will change our market? Clients, prices and professional conscience”. ACCI, Athens 1st October 2017

5. Maria Petrocheilou: Training community interpreters: challenges and focus points. FIT Europe Event “Translation and Interpreting in Crisis Settings”, 21 June 2019, Athens, Greece

Το Στέκι της Μετάφρασης – Translators’ Portraits: Maria Petrocheilou. May 2016

Published articles

Ι. Ο δεκάλογος του επαγγελματία διερμηνέα συνεδρίων (“The ten commandments of a professional conference interpreter!”) (Vrisko, 24/11/2015).

ΙΙ. Article by the Association Solidarity Now concerning the training programme of community interpreters and cultural mediators Future Interpreters in which Maria Petrocheilou participated in as a rapporteur and trainer in the period 2017-2018. Read here.


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