European Works Councils


The purpose of a European Works Council (EWC) is to bring together employee representatives from the different European countries in which a multinational company has operations. During EWC meetings, these representatives are informed and consulted by central management on transnational issues of concern to the company’s employees. Directive 94/45/EC – governing the establishment of such EWCs – is applicable to transnational undertakings and groups of undertakings employing in total more than 1000 employees in the EEA. On 6 May 2009 a recast EWC directive was adopted (2009/38/EC).

Since reference is made to transnational issues of concern to all company employees, participants must be able to communicate and understand each other. P&A Interpreters have the experience to work with you and make your next EWC a success at communication level.

Depending on your needs, we will offer either simultaneous interpreting (for large meetings where several languages need interpreting) or consecutive interpreting (for smaller meetings where only one participant needs support). In case you need simultaneous interpretation for your meeting, we can also provide booths and all necessary audiovisual equipment through our expert partners. If your EWC also includes visits to work places or factories, we can also offer you a special tour guide system (bidule) which is ideal for this type of jobs.

Do you still have questions on interpreting services? Please see our page FAQ on interpreting.

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